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Learn How to Change a Tyre Workshops

For anyone who would like to learn how to change a bicycle tyre. This is a relaxed and friendly workshop designed to help you get from never having changed a bicycle tyre to feeling confident!

We'd like to help you learn to get yourself back on your wheels if you get a puncture while you're out and about. Women are encouraged to attend but men are welcome too of course.

The workshop-only fee means you bring your own tools, though tools, tubes etc will of course be available for purchase in our shop.

The gear-inclusive fee includes a saddle bag of goodies: everything you need to change a tyre* - please click on the dates to see package options. 

We do need you to bring your bike to the workshop, and to send us a pic of it when booking. You can text your bike pic and name to: 0451 292 531 attn Mariko.

Workshops will be held at our shop: 17 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba, unless otherwise notified.

*Doesn't include tools to remove non quick release wheels - you may need an allen key but we can assist.